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Base class for Pixeltable iterators.

close abstractmethod

close() -> None

Close the iterator and release all resources

input_schema abstractmethod classmethod

input_schema() -> dict[str, ColumnType]

Provide the Pixeltable types of the init() parameters

The keys need to match the names of the init() parameters. This is equivalent to the parameters_types parameter of the @function decorator.

output_schema abstractmethod classmethod

    *args: Any, **kwargs: Any
) -> tuple[dict[str, ColumnType], list[str]]

Specify the dictionary returned by next() and a list of unstored column names


  • dict[str, ColumnType]

    a dictionary which is turned into a list of columns in the output table

  • list[str]

    a list of unstored column names

set_pos abstractmethod

set_pos(pos: int) -> None

Set the iterator position to pos